Destiny April Update: Chroma, Infusion Improvements, Sterling Treasures and More

Even more details of the large update revealed.

Destiny April UpdateDestiny April Update

Bungie hosted another livestream for Destiny‘s upcoming April Update, this time focusing on the gear players can acquire and some new features like Chroma.

First things first, it was confirmed that there’s no Taken shader. Instead, the armour showcased is called Desolate Armour which can be acquired from Sterling Treasures. Collecting an entire set of Desolate Armour will grant you the Taken Jitter emote automatically.

About Sterling Treasures: These will be your new loot drops in the April Update and feature on guaranteed item and some other random goodies. The guaranteed items include one piece of Desolate and Spektar Armour while the possible rewards include boosters for Crucible and House of Judgment, Chroma, a Taken ship, class items for the new armour and more. Sterling Treasures can be obtained by completing the level 41 Prison of Elders, finishing a match in the Weekly Crucible Playlist and after each weekly reset.

If you want to try your hand at obtaining the entire set of Desolate or Spektar armour immediately, you can try buying Sterling Treasures from Eververse for real money. All of these pieces drop at 3 defense though so you’ll still need to actually play the game to obtain a good Light level.

Other new features include the ability to completely remove one’s HUD; Chroma which adds yellow, white, blue and red highlights to weapons and armour (with the Spektar Armour being specially designed for the same); Infusion now bringing the receiving weapon up to the exact Light level as the infused item; new Sparrows and a new Taken Ghost from the Challenge of the Elders; and a bunch of returning Year One items.

Those returning Year One items include weapons like Shadow Price, LDR 5001, Lord High Fixer, The Devil You Know, etc. Returning Year One Exotics include Queenbreaker’s Bow, Eternal Warrior, Lord of Wolves, Universal Remote and much more. There will also be new weapons themed around the Queen of the Reef, and a Taken shotgun and sword that can be acquired from the new Taken version of the Winter’s Run strike. You can check out the full list of returning weapons and other details here.

The April Update is due on April 12th and one more livestream is planned for detailing changes to the Crucible and sandbox. Thoughts on the new gear? Let us know below.

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