Destiny Earned $47.5 Million In Its First Month Following Release

Finally, some solid numbers on Bungie's latest.

Exact numbers regarding Destiny remain curiously absent- Activision, who otherwise never miss a chance to share and trumpet sales numbers for their hit games after they launch, have been obstinately silent on how Destiny has done in the year following its launch. That it is a success is well understood, but just how much of one?

It appears that within its first month, Destiny was quite the success- court documents from the ongoing Bungie and Marty O’Donnell lawsuit have revealed Destiny moved 6.3 million copies within its first month of release, earning over $47.5 million in revenue. That’s quite a lot of copies, though of course, it is to be remembered that the launch month of Destiny had the benefit of undercutting the negative press and word of mouth that the game would later go on to generate by simply sending out no pre-release review copies.

After a year of troubled existence, Destiny is purportedly now finally drawing closer to its initial, ultimately significantly altered vision, with the launch of Destiny 2.0 and Destiny: The Taken King (though this was marred by its own set of problems).

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