Destiny The Taken King DLC Red Bull Promotion Ruined By Scammers

Someone out there hates Red Bull.

Destiny players who are fond of Red Bull were able to take advantage of a promotion that offered various offers and goodies, simply by entering the promotional codes found on the cans. This would give them exclusive missions in the upcoming Destiny The Taken King expansion pack. That is until certain people found a way to bring the whole thing crashing down.

Apparently someone clever enough found a way to create a number of promotion codes that would allow anyone to claim them. And of course it came as no surprise that many took advantage of these free codes and in turn the Red Bull promotional website has either crashed or shut down due to the heavy traffic by eager people looking to redeem their codes.

We haven’t heard a statement from Red Bull on how they plan to salvage this situation, but we should hear from them soon. What do you think of this situation? Let us know by the comments below.

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