DOOM Eternal – Fortress of Doom is the New Hub Area

Weapon unlocks, the Demon Prison, and more showcased in new video.

Id Software’s DOOM Eternal has received a bunch of new details today, including new gameplay footage that looks fantastic. However, we also learned more about the new hub area that the Slayer will use for downtime during missions. It’s called the Fortress of Doom and is a venerable hideout of secrets and unlocks.

As GameSpot revealed in its new video, the Fortress of Doom requires Sentinel Batteries to power up sections and unlock things. These include upgrades for one’s Praetor Suit, the Demon Prison for fighting practice against different foes without fear of death and weapon unlocks. You can spot the classic Doom costume at one point as well.

Releasing on March 20th, DOOM Eternal is coming to Xbox One, PS4, Stadia, and PC. Check out the most recent story trailer here to learn more about how the Slayer is looking to slay heaps of demons to liberate humanity. Stay tuned for other details in the meantime.

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