DOOM Eternal is Adding Nvidia Ray Tracing and DLSS Support in June

"We’re pushing the engine in exciting new ways and we can’t wait for GeForce RTX gamers to experience it," says id Software's Marty Stratton.

Nvidia and id Software have announced that DOOM Eternal, already a technical spectacle (especially on PC), is going to improve on PC even more, with the addition of DLSS and ray tracing support. The first person shooter will add support for ray-traced reflections and performance enhancements via DLSS some time this month, though the date for when that update will go live hasn’t been announced.

DOOM Eternal was built to deliver the very best in engaging first-person-shooter gameplay, stunning visuals and uncompromising performance,” says Marty Stratton, studio director at id Software. “With the addition of ray tracing to idTech and support for NVIDIA DLSS, we’re pushing the engine in exciting new ways and we can’t wait for GeForce RTX gamers to experience it.”

A video showing a few minutes of DOOM Eternal with ray tracing enabled and running at 4K on a 3080 Ti has also been released, and as you’d expect, the game is looking quite impressive. Take a look below.

DOOM Eternal is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The game will also launch for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S later in the year.

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