DOOM Eternal Video Outlines Weapon Mods, Enemy Weaknesses

Check out how much deeper the combat and upgrade systems have become.

The first 10 minutes for id Software’s DOOM Eternal were recently released and it’s the high-octane, demon-slaying action that we’ve hoped for. But there’s a lot more to the game’s shooting, enemies and weapon system than expected. IGN First sat down with game director Hugo Martin and went over the various weapon mods and how combat has been deeper.

Weapons like the Shotgun and Super Shotgun return while others like the Heavy Cannon serve the same purpose as the Heavy Assault Rifle. Different weapons will have different levels of effectiveness against enemies though. The Plasma Rifle is good for destroying shields, for instance. Some enemies even have specific conditions that will cause them to immediately enter a staggered state.

It’s all fairly extensive and showcases just how much more depth the sequel has. DOOM Eternal will release on March 20th for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Google Stadia. The Nintendo Switch version doesn’t have a release date but is currently in the works and “coming along really, really well.”

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