DOOM Eternal Will Have A Hub For The Slayer

Players can "learn a lot" about the Slayer "if you look for it" as per id Software's Marty Stratton.

The Doom Slayer isn’t always about ripping and tearing the demons of Hell apart. Sometimes, he just likes to kick back and with id Software’s DOOM Eternal, we’re going to see hub of sorts for the anti-hero. During a panel for the game at QuakeCon, creative director Hugo Martin and executive producer Marty Stratton fielded questions from fans in the Slayers Club.

Following various points on how the Doom Slayer stays in shape, Stratton said, “Should we talk about the hub? Maybe?” Whether this was intended to be discussed or not, eventually Martin said, “You’ll see kind of, like, where he hangs out. Again, if you care. You’ll see how he spends his free time, and you’ll learn a lot about him through the game, if you look for it and pay attention.”

A social hub is the first thing that comes to mind, but DOOM Eternal is primarily a single-player experience. So instead, this hub could indicate a number of things – a place to view lore collected throughout the game, a shelf for the various potential trophies waiting to be discovered, a training room, etc. We’ll have to wait to find out.

In the meantime, id Software also talked about its 2v1 multiplayer Battlemode over the weekend. The various demons that players will control, post-launch plans and more can be read about here. DOOM Eternal is out on November 22nd for Xbox One, PS4, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Google Stadia.

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