DOOM Getting Free Demo, New Multiplayer Modes Revealed

Plus new DLC information revealed.

Bethesda and id Software predictably gave some time to their just released DOOM, the reboot of the classic first person shooter franchise. id confirmed that they will be continuing to support the Snapmap mode with free expansions and updates over the coming months, also confirming that the first premium DLC pack for DOOM will be available next month on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

That’s not all, either- if you haven’t bought DOOM yet, because you are wary of all the hype around the new release, then Bethesda are giving you a chance to see for yourself if the game is worth your salt. The first level of DOOM will be available for free to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC players this week, and this week only. It’s a demo for the game in the shareware tradition of old id Software games.

Finally, new multiplayer game modes will also be coming to DOOM in the coming months, including Exodus (a capture-the-flag mode) and Sector, which will be similar to King of the Hill. New free-for-all modes are also coming, and more details on all of these should be coming over the next few weeks.

DOOM is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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