DOOM Is Releasing on Nintendo Switch On November 10

That was really fast.

DOOM was announced for the Nintendo Switch last month during a Nintendo Direct; now, in an interview with the developers, it has been confirmed that the title will be hitting the system sooner than expected. In less than a month, as a matter of fact.

Marty Stratton and Hugo Martin, the Executive Producer and Creative Director at id Software respectively, spoke about the Switch version of the game, discussing what Switch owners will be getting (everything, including all the DLC, although the SnapMap mode is omitted, and the multiplayer mode will be a separate download). The Switch version of the game will also run at 30 frames per second.

Nevertheless, the allure of being able to play DOOM, which is widely acknowledged to be one of the best shooters of the modern era, on the go, should be enough for many fans old and new to jump on board with the Switch version.

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