DOOM Will Be 1080p and 60FPS on Both, Xbox One and PS4

DOOM, ever the pioneer.

Look, I’m not a fan of the 1080p/60fps console war nonsense. What matters to me is how a game plays, and whether or not it runs well- I’m not one for pixel or line counting. But a lot of that kind of debate springs up from the fact that most of the time, there is a discrepancy between the resolution of a game on one platform versus the other.

Well, that will not be a problem with this year’s DOOM in any case- good guys Bethesda and id Software have confirmed that the reboot of id Software’s pioneering first person shooter franchise will run at 1080p and 60fps on both consoles- PS4 and Xbox One.

“We want players to wonder how DOOM and idTech 6 games can be so visually stunning at 60 frames-per-second at 1080p on all platforms, when other titles cannot even achieve a similar look at 30 frames-per-second,” said Lead Project Programmer Billy Khan. “Our goal is to be the best-looking game at 1080p at 60fps.”

DOOM is due out out this May on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

BethesdaDOOMid Softwareid tech 6pcps4Xbox One