DOOM Will Have Ultra Nightmare Quality Setting On PC

It's better than it sounds.

id Software and Bethesda’s upcoming DOOM, the reboot of the classic, pioneering first person shooter series, will be paying tribute to its heritage by being a hell of a looker on PC- well beyond how good it already looks on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A lot of this will be achieved with the ‘Ultra Nightmare Quality’ setting for graphics that the PC version will have.

According to Billy Khan, Lead Project Programmer of DOOM, an ‘uber’ PC is necessary to play the game on Ultra Nightmare Quality setting. Meanwhile, for those who didn’t immediately catch on, id Software Lead Renderer Programmer Tiago Sousa confirmed that Ultra Nightmare Quality is a step up even above Ultra- meaning the game has the potential to be one of the best looking ones on the market, for those who have a monster of a rig capable of handling it on highest settings, anyway.

DOOM will be out on May 13 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

BethesdaDOOMid Softwarepcps4Xbox One