Dragon Age Inquisition: New Screens Show Beautiful Vistas And Wide Open World

Ohhh pretty, could I perhaps move there when it's safe?

349I imagine that if you’re as massive fan of the Dragon Age series (and honestly what RPG fan isn’t?), then you’ve been watching all of the Dragon Age Inquisition Twitch streams to get a peek at  the game, or scouring YouTube for new content and opinions, I would like to suggest “Gopher” for that, on the game.

Well, some new images have come to light that once again show of the games sprawling world in all of it’s glory. You can see the entire album of vistas and landscapes in the screenshots below. But as you have no doubt come to expect, the game does look gorgeous.

I mentioned a while back that the game looked like it had taken a hit to graphical fidelity, but that was apparently just a lower quality than usual stream. So rest assured, everything is as pretty as you could imagine. Get hype people, there are no brakes on this train.

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