Dragon Age Inquisition On PC Will Support All Features of DX11

Hug your PC and weep sweet sweet tears of joy.

Most of us, as hardcore gamers, already know what to expect when it comes to a Bioware game. However we find ourselves in the peculiar position of waiting for a Bioware game that is launching on both 7th and 8th generation technology and on the PC.

So for the meantime, I must ask the console gamers not to complain, at least for the duration of this news segment. Factually speaking, a gaming PC is the best platform for pushing a game to its limits and with that type of power being offered to them, Bioware have seized it.

Dragon Age Inquisition On PC has been confirmed to use every feature that is made available through DirectX 11, more commonly known as DX11. Creative Director at Bioware, Mike Laidlaw, recently said in an interview with GamingBolt that, “I am not sure what the final list is going to be. But I know with certainty that we will be taking advantage of the hardware, obviously supporting all the features of DirectX11…”

Now there is far too much information regarding what DX11 can do, what with tessellation and transparency anti-aliasing etc, to list here in this section, but trust me when I say it’s a good thing that this is a feature of the game.

He goes on to talk about controlling the game, saying “The other biggy for the PC players is we’ve added the option for you to plug-in a controller and play with that which changes your user interface entirely to match the consoles.”…”Obviously, people want to play with mouse and keyboard and that has been the most popular question whether “can I still play with mouse and keyboard?” and the answer is of course, you can. It’s got its own interface, more of a hot-bar style closer to what Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 had on PC.”

I really do need this game sooner rather than later.

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