Dragon Ball FighterZ Gets Base Goku and Base Vegeta DLC Starting Today

Their power levels are decidedly not over 9000.

Dragon Ball FighterZ has some of the most ludicrously powered up characters in Dragon Ball history facing off against one another in spectacular matches and battles- next to them, base form Goku and base form Vegeta, who seemed positively terrifying in terms of how powerful they were back before the series decided to make bullshit up in terms of just how strong its characters could be (also known in the west as “the Superman Syndrome”), are now puny and outmatched in comparison.

Still, if you want to see how the little guys stack against the big guns, there’s some good news! Base form Goku and base form Vegeta, who were both announced for Dragon Ball FighterZ some time ago, are available as DLC for the game now. They each cost $5, which is a bit expensive- but, again, for long time Dragon Ball fans, probably well worth the entry fee.

They also each get two very short trailers, each showcasing their abilities in the game, which you can see for yourself below. Dragon Ball FighterZ is out now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, and launches later this year on Switch.

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