Fallout 4: Bioware’s Creative Director Takes Shot At Game’s Graphics

Bioware seems to have officially fired a shot across the bow of Bethesda

You know how you can tell that E3 2015 is getting really close? Because people who normally don’t take shots at rival companies, are starting to take shot at rival companies and doing so in the most public way possible. This was underlined earlier this week when Bioware’s creative director Alistair McNally made it known to the entire Twitterverse that he wasn’t that impressed with the graphical representation shown off in the new Fallout 4 trailer.

McNally isn’t alone in his lack of esteem for the video. Despite the fact that Bethesda, the makers of the new installation are claiming the graphics for Fallout 4 are simply too good to be put on an Xbox 360 or a PS3, others claim they aren’t anywhere near the leap up from the previous version they were promised. The apparent shot across the bow from McNally at Bethesda came when a Twitter user made the comment that he wanted to find a link for the Fallout 4 trailer.

In response to the request, McNally replied that the user could just, “look at an old Fallout3 trailer..” This kind of comment just doesn’t happen all that often when talking about the big studios. Mainly because there’s a good chance that the people who work at those studios might eventually work together on some project in the future. That could mean that McNally is genuinely disappointed at the look because he too wanted to see a prettier game. It’s more likely the claws are coming out heading into E3, considering Bioware is going to have a tough time beating the excitement surrounding Fallout 4.

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