Fallout 4 Mod Support for Xbox One Confirmed, New Footage Showcases Power Armour Gameplay

Bethesda drops another bombshell at Microsoft's E3 conference.

Bethesda Softworks wasn’t content with stealing the show at its own press conference – it returned at Microsoft’s E3 2015 press conference to showcase new footage of Fallout 4 featuring the game’s power armour. It actually looks like fun as you suit up in a power armour and battle with a Deathclaw using a gatling gun.

But that’s not all. It was also announced that PC mods created for Fallout 4 would run on the Xbox One. It’s not confirmed whether this will be the case with the PS4 version or what limits there will be creating mods for the Xbox One. But this is cataclysmic news indeed since mods have never run on consoles at this kind of scale.

Fallout 4 will be out on November 10th for the Xbox One. What are your thoughts on the gameplay and mod support? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more information from Microsoft’s E3 2015 conference.

bethesda softworksFallout 4MicrosoftModspcps4Xbox One