Fallout 4: Todd Howard Explains How Skyrim Has Helped Them Reduce Bugs In The Game

Now we'll just have to wait and see how much they actually learned.

One of the biggest benefits of it taking this long to bring Fallout 4 to the market is that Bethesda has had the opportunity to iron out a number of problems that might have crippled the game a few years ago. Game director Todd Howard has been making the rounds the last couple of days, talking about how the game is going to be running, as well as how the company has worked at making sure big time problems aren’t going to be popping up.

In particular, Howard said the developers have managed to use the issues they faced in Skyrim to help get ready for the release of Fallout 4. Both games are massive, open world adventures. The openness is why players love the games but that same openness is why the company also faces a number of problems including framerate issues. Howard recently talked to Game Informer and the framerate issues on the PS3 version of Skyrim have been especially helpful.

“All of the updates we did on Skyrim, and all of the DLC – once we sorted [the bugs out] we had a different process for how we checked the content out,” he says. “There will always be some problems.” Now the director says, the key is to figure out a different way to deal with the problems. He added that for Bethesda, the key is to make sure that game play saves don’t get hosed. The director said that game crashes are one thing, but losing an actual save game is another. Fallout 4 is due out on the PC, Xbox One and PS4 on November 10.

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