Far Cry 4 Campaign is “35 Hours on Average for Everything”

"It's big" says creative director Alex Hutchinson.

Ubisoft’s Far Cry 4 hasn’t been shy about the overall scale of the campaign. In case one hasn’t kept track, you’ll explore the Lowlands, the outposts of Pagan Nim, fly through mountains and valleys with the wing-suit, venture into the mystical world of Shangri-la and even take part in arena combat. This is the stuff we’ve only seen in trailers thus far mind you.

However, creative director Alex Hutchinson tweeted that the total length of the campaign was “Hard to say. Depends if you aim to complete all the side content. Probably 35 hours on average for everything. It’s big.”

That sounds about right if you factor in how big Far Cry 3 was. While you won’t need to finish all the activities in-game to complete the campaign, you’re still looking at a nice lengthy experience even without the co-op multiplayer.

Far Cry 4 will be out this November for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC.

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