Far Cry 4 Director: We Should Have Had Co-op In Far Cry 3

'It was a missed opportunity.'

Far Cry 3 launched back in 2012, and it was an amazing game, a first person shooter introduced to a market that was full of them, and yet one like none other.

For all that Far Cry 3 did right, though, there were also a whole lot of baffling omissions, that now appear even more puzzling in light of the upcoming successor. Such as the lack of co-op play in the game. Why was that not there?

It’s a sentiment shared by Far Cry 4 director Mark Thompson.

“It’s just two players. The whole idea was that Far Cry 3’s open-world was a lot of fun. We knew we were going to rebuild that design philosophy in Far Cry 4’s open-world,” Thompson said to Examiner, “but we realized at the end of Far Cry 3, open-world co-op was a missed opportunity.”

“In Far Cry 3’s, we decided really early in production to do a separate co-op mode and that was before we knew just how powerful the open-world experience would be. Obviously, it was too late by the end [to implement co-op]. For Far Cry 4, one of the first things we started thinking about was how hard is it technically? So we [built a prototype] and then started building on it and building on it.”

Well, better late than never. Far Cry 3 was still an amazing game, and Far Cry 4 looks pretty sweet too.

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