FEAR 3 Press Kit Is Pretty Damn Awesome

I was just chilling around in my living room when I got a parcel from the E-xpress games. Initially I thought this might be another game for review but the package was pretty big in size so I thought better to open it up rather than dream about what is inside.

Much to my surprise it turned out to be a press kit. Given the rarity of Press Kits in the Indian video games industry this came as a huge surprise for me, so much so I decided post about it. The press kit came along with the review copy, a FEAR 3 tshirt, a stunning art book and Batman comic!

Check out the awesomeness through the images below:

You know... I love 'video games' t shirts for some reason

Comics! Nothing beats them!

Perhaps the best component of the kit: The art book

The press kit as a whole


Special thanks to E-xpress games, Warner Bros and the one and only Sushil Vengurlekar for sending this in.

You can follow E-xpress games on Facebook over here.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for the full review of FEAR 3.

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