Fez 2 Designer: “Microsoft Won’t Let me Develop for Their Console”

Phil Fish explains why the sequel won't be on Xbox One.

Phil Fish, a Canadian designer who created the amazingly awesome Fez (our review which you can read here), has stated to Polygon that Fez 2 won’t be arriving on the Xbox One in the near future. This despite Fez’s popularity and success on Xbox Live.

As Fish states when asked about which platforms the game will be coming to, “PS4 seems to be doing everything right. It’s too early to tell how everything is going to unfold, but their heart definitely seems to be in the right place. Which is a weird thing to say when talking about giant monolithic corporation, but there’s a handful of people working at Sony today who are really trying to do some good.

“And whether or not I would develop for it comes down to how the platform holder treats me. With Microsoft they’ve made it painfully clear they don’t want my ilk on their platform. I can’t even self-publish there. Whereas on PS4, I can. It’s that simple. Microsoft won’t let me develop for their console. But Sony will.”

Microsoft’s stance for indie developers on Xbox One has been that they must either publish through the company or via a third party publisher.

fez 2indieMicrosoftPhil Fishps4sonyXbox One