Final Fantasy franchise creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi, has expressed interest in bringing Fantasian—a classic Final Fantasy-styled JRPG currently exclusive to Apple Arcade—to PC.
Speaking at a Q&A session at the Magic 2023 festival in Monaco, according to IGN Japan, Sakaguchi responds to a question about whether Fantasian is still exclusive to Apple Arcade, and whether it would be possible to bring the game on to PC.
“We have received many requests to release the game on PC too, and there have also been requests for a sequel,” Sakaguchi said, “so we would like to continue working as hard as possible to meet their expectations.”
Fantasian was released on Apple Arcade back in 2021, and focuses on a return to the traditional turn-based battles of the early Final Fantasy games. It even features music by Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu. Fantasian was released in two parts over the span of four months in 2021.
Leading up to Fantasian‘s release, Sakaguchi also hinted that it might be one of his final major projects.