Football Manager 2021 is Fastest Title in Series to Sell 1 Million Units

It also had over 900,000 players last week.

When one thinks of football titles, EA Sports’ FIFA franchise often comes to mind. However, Sports Interactive’s Football Manager series has proven a strong alternative, allowing players to delve deeper into the world of managing a professional team. The latest in the series, Football Manager 2021, has done fairly well for itself with one million copies sold thus far.

Director Miles Jacobson revealed this on Twitter while also confirming that it was the fastest in the franchise to hit one million copies sold. It also had over 900,000 players last week. Given its availability on Xbox consoles for the first time in the series’ history, it’s possible that they make up a significant amount of the player base.

Football Manager 2021 is currently available for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android. Check out our review for it here. Time will tell how this year’s iteration performs, especially with the current game’s momentum so stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

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