Forza Horizon 4: How To Make Money Fast And Get Unlimited Wheel Spin, and Level Up Quickly

Some tips and tricks to maximize your money in Forza Horizon 4.

Forza Horizon 4 has a multitude of economies going on within it- you’ve got Influence, which you need to progress through the single player campaign, and you’ve got Credits, which are money you use to buy new cars in game, and you’ve got your level. And then you’ve got Wheelspins, which are basically lotteries you get to participate in.

Now how to get ahead of all of this, while not circumventing the fun in the game? How do you make money, and level up your Influence, quickly? That’s what we talk about in this guide.


So, here’s the thing- those Wheelspins we talked about? They can get you as much as 250,000 Credits in one fell swoop, especially if you go for the money based prizes. Some prize or the other is guaranteed to you in a Wheelspin either way, so it’s just best to try and go for as many of them as possible.

Okay, so how do you get them to spawn? About that: they’re kind of random. But don’t despair! There are things you can do to make them unlock quicker:

  • Level up your My Horizon life goals
  • Participate in Daily Events
  • Complete Live challenges whenever you can
  • Unlock perks on as many different cars as you can

Additionally, there are some quick methods to earn money reasonably quickly. Check out the video below which will help you to maximize your money and level payouts:

And below you will find a video which will help you to level up and gain influence faster.

Finally, this video demonstrates a glitch that can be exploited for money and wheelspins, which means I don’t recommend it. Not only could the glitch be patched out, but you’re gaming the economy in a shared world game, and that’s never good. Still, for the morbidly curious, check out the video below.

Note: Please use the following cheats at your own discretion. Using cheats online or offline may lead to an immediate ban. GamingBolt or its staff members are not responsible for any problems arising due to their use.

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