Ghost of Tsushima Japanese Trailer Features Slashing, Shooting, and Scheming

Check out the Japanese voice-acting and Kurosawa Mode in the upcoming exclusive.

Sucker Punch Production’ Ghost of Tsushima is out next week for PS4. Touted as the developer’s biggest game thus far, it’s the focus on capturing an authentic samurai cinema feel that could warrant a look. Check out the latest trailer below with its Japanese voice-acting and stylish text to see what we mean.

Ghost of Tsushima takes place in the late 13th century with protagonist Jin Sakai fighting off the first Mongol invasion on the titular island. Though not historically accurate, it’s a samurai epic through and through as you slash, shoot and scheme your way through. There’s even a black and white filter that’s dubbed Kurosawa Mode in honor of the legendary filmmaker.

Releasing on July 17th, Ghost of Tsushima is currently available to pre-load. Reviews will be going live on July 14th so stay tuned for further details and even more gameplay en route to launch. In the meantime, head here to learn more about the world design and how its regions are divided up.

Ghost of Tsushimaps4sonySucker Punch Productions