Grand Theft Auto 5 PC Modding: In-Game Phone Can Be Controlled By An iPhone App

Why does this exist?!? Not that I am complaining.

Modders are crazy. I mean that in the best possible way. A lot of game mods aren’t actually anything useful, or anything that the community wanted. A lot of them are just modders coming up with crazy ideas, and then actually going through with them, in some mad, impressive display of programming skills.

That is the category that this latest mod falls under. Reddit user planetleak has apparently developed an iPhone app that replicates the interface of the in game cellphone from GTA5. That would be an interesting curiosity, were it also not for the fact that this app can control the in game cellphone too. I don’t quite understand how or why, but it can., and that is crazy.

I mean, this is hardly practical. Honestly, this has little to no use beyond the initial wow factor, but you know what? It’s damn impressive nonetheless, and if this mod is made public? I will get it.

Grand Theft Auto 5pcps3ps4Rockstarxbox 360Xbox One