Grand Theft Auto 5: The Evolution of the Cheetah

GTA has sure changed over the years.

Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto series has come a long, long way. From the top-down perspective of the first game to the third person, open world sandbox genre of the third game, which has been the template for the series and many other games over the past few years. Grand Theft Auto 5 looks to take things even further, with the amount of activities and missions the player will be able to enjoy.

But most importantly, GTA5 evolves a lot on the graphics of its predecessors. A Reddit user recently posted a series of images, comparing the evolution of the Cheetah since the first game in the series. It’s worth a look, if only to see how the game has evolved visually over the years, leading all the way up to GTA5 (which thankfully has changed in gameplay as well).

Grand Theft Auto 5 is currently slated to release for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on September 17th 2013 worldwide.

Grand Theft Auto Vps3rockstar gamesTake-Two Interactivexbox 360