GTA 5: No Support for PlayStation Move and Kinect planned

It is detrimental to the overall experience.

Popular games like Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim have some sort of Kinect mechanics integrated within the gameplay. Even Sony have pushed it’s motion controller, the Move, in to many of it’s AAA franchises. So obviously many keen gamers must be wondering whether Grand Theft Auto 5 will have some sort of Kinect/Move integration in to it. But unfortunately it won’t.

Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar has confirmed that they do not have any plans of integrating Kinect or Move in to Grand Theft Auto 5. He thinks that the inclusion of these technologies will degrade the end user’s experience.

“One of the things we’re doing now, just to talk about mini-games, is making sure when you go into the mini-games and when you come out of them it feels very seamless. It feels like part of the whole experience. If you were [to] suddenly go, ‘This bit’s move, that bit’s not, this bit’s Kinect, that bit’s not,’ it would feel very disjointed to us. That would be detrimental to the overall experience in exchange for a bullet point on the back of the box. That’s not very appealing to us,’ he said to IGN (via LatinoPost).

Personally, I completely agree with what Houser has to say. Integrating Kinect in to a game that is targeted towards hardcore gamers can put some players off.

What do you guys think? Do you think Rockstar should implement Move and Kinect features in to GTA 5?  Let us know in the comments section below.

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