Hackers using locked on-disc Street Fighter X Tekken DLC online

Legitimate owners who paid for the game don’t have access to content that the hackers have, and the best thing about this? Hackers can play online as well. This is on the Xbox 360 which also allows hackers to use the Sony exclusive Mega Man and Pac Man online.

Christian Svensson from Capcom acknowledged on the Capcom Boards that this is indeed true and they are working round the clock to ban the hackers.

“Yes, we’re seeing news of this. Quite ballsy for folks to be taking hacked Xbox 360s on Live where they are detectable,”  he said.

“In any event, we already have opened channels of communication with Microsoft on these issues Friday night. If you can capture screens or video of this in action (as some have already) we’re working on bans for boxes and accounts with Microsoft for haxxors.”

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