Harmonix to discontinue Dance Central 3 DLC

Talented developer are needed for other projects.

Dance Central 3 has been witness for a slew of DLC releases, almost on a weekly basis, which add new tracks from some of the music industry’s biggest names. But the tide has seized for now, as Harmonix has announced that they won’t be releasing any DLC at least for the near future.

“As Harmonix moves forward with several new titles currently in development, the talented developers who make this content are needed on other projects,” the developer said in a statement. “With the Dance Central DLC team moving around, this month will be the last DLC for Dance Central 3 for the near future.”

“We’ll still be hard at work supporting the community with updated Live Challenges and leaderboards, and the Music Store will still be up and running for you to grab any routines you might have missed.”

The developer made a similar decision with Rock Band as well, so this shouldn’t come as that big a surprise.

Dance Central 3DLCHarmonixKinectMicrosoftxbox 360