Hitman Receiving 10 Featured Contracts, 2 Escalation Contracts and More on June 2nd Onwards

New Elusive Target also incoming.

IO Interactive may have been put up for sale by Square-Enix with the future of Hitman in doubt but the current Hitman is still receiving updates and new things to do. The developer revealed that players will have new targets to chase on June 2nd.

Sapienza will a new Escalation Contract with The Spaggiari Subversion which takes place on the “Landslide” Bonus Mission. There are five stages to go through with three targets and restrictions on weapons and disguises. On Bangkok, there’s a five stage Escalation Contract called the Asya Attunement. Not much is known aside from there being laser tripwires, shotguns, kill streaks and more.

Not much is known about the Featured Contracts but they should arrive on the same day. The Elusive Target will arrive in late June – a 10 day limited time Contract that takes place in Hokkaido. There will also game update later in June that IO Interactive is “very excited to talk about.”

What are your thoughts on the new stuff coming to Hitman? Let us know in the comments.

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