Humankind’s Tactical Combat Takes Cues From X-Com

Amplitude's Romain de Waubert also says "Everything else we've worked on is a stepping stone to get us here."

Sega’s teased exclusive title was recently revealed to be Humankind, new 4X strategy title from Amplitude Studios. The developer is known for the Endless series, namely Endless Legend and Endless Space 1 and 2. Humankind doesn’t take place in a fantasy or sci-fi setting but the sheer degree of customization and improvements make it worth paying attention to.

Polygon had numerous new details about the game, including how players will pick different cultures and merge them together into civilization over the course of history. Amplitude’s chief creative officer Romain de Waubert noted that, “History is about the merging of cultures and civilizations. They are constantly blending together.” Combat is a given though and Amplitude has made significant strides in that department.

Unlike Endless Legend and Endless Space, the turn-based combat is more tactical with X-Com being a major influence. You’re given nine turns to battle an army and your army may consist of a variety of different units throughout the years. Though units will move as one icon on the map, they’ll quickly separate and become visible during combat.

Though Amplitude has made a number of 4X games over the years, it describes Humankind as a dream project. de Waubert noted that, “Everything else we’ve worked on is a stepping stone to get us here.” Humankind is currently slated to release in 2020 for PC.

Amplitude studioshumankindpcSega