id Software: We Want DOOM To Run As Fast As Possible, At The Highest Resolution Possible

'It's not just a lofty goal for us.'

The upcoming reboot of DOOM will run at 1080p and 60FPS, according to Executive Producer Marty Stratton. In an interview with Gamespot, he explained that the game had always been built for that spec, and he also elaborated on just how id Software plans on achieving that kind of performance, especially when so many other games struggle to reach that level.

“When you’re developing, you make thousands of decisions that have an impact on performance or visual fidelity,” Stratton said. “We’ve always been at the forefront of saying we want our games to run as fast as possible at the highest resolution possible. So for us, that goal is 1080p and 60 FPS. Along with that goal, the mantra of our technology team is that we want to be the best-looking game out there at 60 FPS and 1080p. So you draw that line in the sand.

“For us it isn’t just a lofty technical goal. We really do think it’s important to the feel of the game, it’s important to the way our combat feels and our movement feels. It’s got to be fast, it’s got to be fluid, and it’s all based on that. It really is a gameplay goal first and foremost. You do make decisions here or there. Ultimately I don’t think you can ever expect most consumers to really nitpick.”

“If you do your best to give them a very consistent experience and a very high-quality experience, which for us is a fast, fluid 60 FPS, I think that’s the most important thing.”

It’s nice to see frame rate being so prioritzed by a major developer, especially given the propensity of modern developers to emphasize something as ultimately meaningless as resolution over it.

DOOM launches on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC next year.

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