If You Haven’t Joined The Far Cry 4 Hype Train Yet, This Trailer Tells You All You Need To Know

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and...

Far Cry 4 launches soon. Like, soon soon. We’re talking in six days soon. As the hype for it reaches a crescendo, I’m sure there are those of you who have never played a Far Cry game and are simply just wondering… what’s the big deal? What’s the hullaballoo about?

Well, if you haven’t yet joined the Far Cry 4 hype train, but would at least like to know more about the game, here’s the perfect catchup tool for you. This Far Cry 4 101 trailer basically tells you everything about the game- from the game’s hunting mechanics to knocking out radio towers, that sort of stuff. It’ll basically cover a whole lot of ground as to what you’re supposed to be doing in this game.

Of course, those of you who are actually familiar with the Far Cry series will probably get a sinking sensation of familiarity as you watch this trailer, as you realize it seems to be mechanically a retread of Far Cry 3. Or Watch Dogs. Or any one of the eight Assassin’s Creed games Ubisoft has released in the last seven years.

You may choose to get hyped regardless. Me, after the recent Watch Dogs and Assassin’s Creed Unity debacles, I’m off the Ubisoft hype train for a while.

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