Light of Motiram from Tencent Under Fire for Copying Guerrilla’s Horizon Series

Though it features co-op, base-building, and Mechanimal taming, the title has drawn criticism for copying Horizon's art style.

Tencent recently announced a new open-world survival crafting title with Light of Motiram, developed by subsidiary Polaris Quest and coming to PC. A release date is unknown, but its teaser trailer drew significant attention for a different reason: The obvious resemblance to Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West.

One Reddit thread discusses how the art style and Machines (known as Mechanimals) are a dead ringer for the two, right down to the key art. Light of Motiram does have its fair share of features that Horizon doesn’t, including co-op for up to ten players, base-building, and Mechanimal taming. Combat is also much more hack-and-slash heavy, and there’s even cross-platform play.

However, it’s hard not to see the resemblance between the games. Neither Guerrilla Games nor Sony has commented on the title, and one has to wonder if Light of Motiram could face any legal action. Stay tuned for more details and updates.

Guerrilla GamesHorizon Forbidden Westhorizon zero dawnLight of MotirampcPolaris Questps4ps5sonytencent