Live in the UK? Pick Up Watch Dogs for £10 On PS4 And Xbox One

This is quite a deal.

Watch Dogs may have been a disappointment when it first came out (setting up the year of disappointments for Ubisoft), but it was still a bit of a looker, and remains a decent game to play through on your new consoles, which, let’s face it, aren’t exactly bursting to the seams with good games yet.

That said, a full price purchase for a game as middling as this probably seems steep- I get that- but apparently, in the UK, pre-owned copies of the game are currently going for £10 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, which is a beyond reasonable price- it’s a price so low that even a game as average as Watch Dogs becomes an easy recommendation.

So yes, if you are thirsting for something, anything, worthwhile to play on your sparkling new Xbox One or PS4- Watch Dogs is a good bet. It might not be the bee’s knees, but it’s at the very least not broken, and is fully functional.

Which is more than we can say for most other big releases on those two platforms this year.

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