Mass Effect 3 has newly named difficulty levels

The demo for Mass Effect 3 containing single player and multiplayer gameplay components was leaked on Xbox Live earlier yesterday, but it was quickly pulled down. However, fans managed to capture several videos and screenshots before that could happen.

One of the players took a snap of a screen that clearly shows the difficulty levels of the game. The difficulties depend on the kind of experience you’re looking for, and if you want to focus more on the story or the combat or both.

They’re as follows:

  • Action Mode: For those who want to emphasize action and combat and minimize story management. Action mode will set automatic replies in conversation and a normal difficulty.

  • Story Mode: For those who want to emphasize story immersion and minimize combat pressure. Story mode will set manually-selectable replies in conversation and a minimal combat difficulty.

  • RPG Mode: For those who want to explore both realms of story and combat. RPG mode will set manually-selectable replies in conversation and a normal combat difficulty.

This reminds me of the difficulty levels of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The easiest, “Give me a story” was for players who wanted to focus more on the narrative than the gameplay aspects. “Give me a challenge” was for players who wanted to tackle the combat and stealth elements of the game properly and “Give me Deus Ex” was for those wanted all aspects of the game in all their glory. This seems similar.

BioWare has also commented on these different difficulties:

“One feature that was present in this early build is a set of game play modes that are in development. In the beta code they are referred to as “action mode”, “story mode” and “RPG mode”. We want to stress that these features are still in the early stages of development and will receive considerable iteration and refinement. These modes are designed to give players an even finer degree of control over their game experience than ever before. Whether it be someone who finds the combat difficult but wants to experience the amazing story, someone who wants to focus on the action and combat game play, or fans who want the rich, story-driven RPG Mass Effect experience they’ve come to love – Mass Effect 3 will support all of these options. We’ll have more info in the days ahead!”

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