Mass Effect Sequel Could “Pull on Threads” From Andromeda, Mass Effect 3 – BioWare

BioWare's Mark Darrah says "We're definitely not done with Mass Effect."

BioWare’s Anthem is out next week – or in the next few days if you subscribe to Origin Access Premier. Even with all the hype, there are many who pine for the days of traditional single-player stories from the studio. We already know that a sequel to Dragon Age is coming, but what about Mass Effect? When will we see a new game in the franchise?

In a recent article about the state of BioWare, Polygon spoke to Anthem executive producer Mike Darrah and studio general manager Casey Hudson about the same. Darrah said, “We’re definitely not done with Mass Effect.” What’s more interesting is the direction the studio could go in.

“There’s a lot of stories to be told,” said Darrah. “We could pull on the threads we put down with Andromeda; we could pull on threads from Mass Effect 3. There’s a lot of interesting space to be explored.”

Hudson also added, “In my mind, it’s very much alive. I’m thinking all the time about things that I think will be great. It’s just a matter of getting back to it as soon as we can.” That doesn’t mean it’s happening anytime soon, and we may not even get a game with “just” single-player. Still, the fact that Mass Effect is still important to the studio is comforting enough.

As for Anthem, it releases on Xbox One, PS4, and PC on February 22nd worldwide. The studio is very much committed to post-launch content like live events, Cataclysms, Shaper Storms, and much more. It also promised that none of the cosmetics would be locked behind microtransactions.

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