Metal Gear Solid 5 Details: Bigger Map, Day/Night Cycle Plays Into Strategy

The Day/Night cycle is said to play a huge part in a much larger game world.

Konami recently held a preview event and allowed a select group of games journalists a look at Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain ahead of its release this fall. Several of those media members then took to Twitter to voice what they could. While Konami is still apparently asking people to keep a great number of details private until June some things have slipped out anyway.

Among the tidbits making the rounds on social media was a posting by GameSpot’s Peter Brown, who took to Twitter in order to talk glowingly about the game’s size and maps. We’ve known the online map size for quite a while now, but Brown seems to think the game’s map is quite a bit bigger than Ground Zeroes. He also talked about the fact that when he was playing a mission that takes place in Afghanistan, he would start to get bored with the desert environment but then run into something that was able to peak his interest again.

The day/night cycle included in the game is also apparently going to play a rather large role in Phantom Pain. “The day/night cycle is great, and plays a big part of strategizing. The phantom cigar is weird! The mission to find the weapon takes you through massive military installations tucked away in the desert. The scale of them is daunting.” Brown added.

Another member of the press described the coming game as if “MGS4 Act 1 and Peace Walker had a baby.” This mean that the title has a vast explorable space with plenty of items to discover. Konami has apparently put on embargo on more information until June 9 but when that date hits, expect a massive amount of info to be dumped.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is due this September for the PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

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