Metal Gear Solid 5: Kojima Wants You to Play Ground Zeroes on PS4

If possible, of course.

Director and series creator Hideo Kojima has been tweeting Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes details and pics on the way to the game’s release date in March. While it will be out on multiple consoles, Kojima stated on Twitter that he wants gamers to play it on the PS4.

“At the end of next month PS4, the long awaited next generation console will be released in Japan. Ground Zeroes will also be released at the end of the month after that. Ground Zeroes will also be launch on current generation consoles, but I want you to play on PS4 if possible.

“I was talking in an interview overseas and they told me: ‘Next generation console? Here PS4 and ONE are already current generation.'”

Could Kojima be trying to say that PlayStation exclusive classic Metal Gear Solid extra content is more compelling than the Raiden content on the Xbox? Either way, we’ll know which version is superior when Ground Zeroes is out on March 18th in North America and March 20th in Europe.

hideo kojimaKojima ProductionskonamiMetal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroesps3ps4xbox 360Xbox One