Metal Gear Solid 5: Quiet’s Design “Isn’t Gratuitous, Will Make Sense in Time”

Designer Jordan Amaro also takes a stab at recent comments from Halo 4 designer David Ellis.

Have you heard about Quiet? Despite the presence of a next gen Fox Engine and the mind games Hideo Kojima is wont to play with his games, the focus lately has been on the man’s (mis-translated) remarks about female character Quiet’s outfit. Some people, such as Halo 4 designer David Ellis, found these comments to be disgusting – despite there obviously being more to the overall story.

And that may just be the case as Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain designer Jordan Amaro told VG247 stated that, in regards to Quiet’s appearance and Kojima’s remarks about the same, that it “Will make sense in time. It’s not gratuitous. Trust the guy.”

As for Ellis, Amaro tweeted the following in regards to his comments:

Don’t count on this being the end of the matter though. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is slated to release on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4. Check out details from the recent demo here.

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