Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain Free Roam Explained, Language Plays Important Role

Open world goodness! What more could you need?

Speaking in the 62th episode of the Kojima Station, director Hideo Kojima gave us a little bit more of an insight into how you as the player will approach your missions in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.

Explaining how the character can move through the open world, we’re told that we can go absolutely anywhere we want during the free roaming portions of the game. However, much like Assassin’s Creed, when you enter into a specific mission, you are given a mission area. Staying in that mission area is of course the name of the game and leaving it will result in mission failure.

With all the good stuff in mind, it does seem that players are free to wander the open world at their own leisure without needing to actually choose a mission objective. Which to me, sounds absolutely awesome. I’ve wanted an open world MGS game for a very long time!


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