Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain: Multiple Playable Characters, Prosthetic Arm Can Be Levelled Up

Nacho Ortiz from MeriStation reveals new details for The Phantom Pain.

A little while back we brought you some information straight from the mouth of Journalists that had attended play session for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Well we have some more information from a similar test event. Nacho Ortiz of MeriStation has said that he managed to reach level 20 in the Mother Base, this was done so that he could upgrade Snake’s Infiltration suit, which he clarifies to be the Sneaking Suit.

In his time with the game, he completed a total of 12 primary missions as well as 6 of the games side missions, which he refers to as secondary missions. He goes on to remark that the, “Narrative is episodic like a TV show.” Expanding on the ever mysterious prosthetic arm that Big Boss has, he tells us of how it can be upgraded. The Arm can be used to increase the duration of reflex reactions, it can be used to stun enemies, somehow fire a rocket and even function as a Sonar device. It can also be levelled up.

Talking about the games opening, he said the Hospital sections is “brutal” before going on to say that he felt a mix of stress and confusion with “surprises and astonishing graphics.” Ortiz goes on to talk about how the Honey Bee prototype guided missile is a key weapon in certain combat situations, likely pointing towards scripted portions of the game.

During his playtime, he only had access to Snake as a playable character, he went on to ask if Ocelot or Quiet was playable, but conceded his point may be redundant when saying, “I don’t know yet what Kojima is saving for us.”

Keep an eye open for more Metal Gear Solid information in the future.


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