Metal Gear Solid 5 To Recieve A New Trailer, Edited By Kojima, Sony Confirms No PS4-MGS5 Bundle

The new trailer will be all about the evolution and harmony of Metal Gear.

It looks like the trailer we saw at E3 2015 wasn’t Hideo Kojima’s final Metal Gear Solid trailer. He confirmed on his Twitter feed that he is working on a new trailer. He tweeted that he is editing a new trailer for the first time in few months. Furthermore he also revealed that he is trying to put as little spoiler as possible in the new trailer and the footage will focus on the evolution and harmony of Metal Gear.

If you ask me this really looks like the final Metal Gear trailer from Hideo Kojima and quite possibly the end of an era. He revealed no further information on when the next trailer will be revealed but given that there are only two weeks remaining before the game launches, it is expected to launch soon.

In other news, Sony’s Adam Boyes confirmed on his Twitter feed that they have no plans to bring the PS4-MGS5 bundle to the United States. A PS4 bundle has already been confirmed for Japan so it’s a shame that it won’t be coming to the West anytime soon.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain launches this September on five different platforms.

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