More evidence has emerged that there was more cut content in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain than meets the eye- the community is largely disappointed at what is being perceived to be the disappointing ‘end’ of the game. More voice files for Episode 51 have also been unearthed in the game’s files on the PC- which indicates that there is something more to the game than just the playable content that players have unearthed so far.
Another Reddit user actually went through the tapes and found out that the game was supposed to have guard dogs. The transcript reads: “It’s a guard dog, don’t get too close. Wouldn’t want it to start barking. Dog’s sense of smell is better than ours. And so is their night vision. Don’t take any chances.” There was also supposed to be a conversation between Ocelot and Snake about the absence of Quiet once you have completed mission 45.
The Battle Gear was also supposed to be playable with Ocelot detailing its functions. “The Battle Gear is an armored weapon developed to take on hostile bipedal weapon systems. You can alter its maneuverability by changing its posture. In travel mode it’s as nimble as a horse. Whereas in fire mode you can move while keeping an eye on the area in front of you. It’s armed with a railgun and a heavy machinegun. If you like, we can look into adding other weapons too.” Furthermore FOB insurance was always supposed to be in the game, given Kaz’s dialogue with Snake. “A lot of rival PFs have Diamond Dogs in their sights, so I’ve lined us up a great deal on insurance. If you sign off on it, we’ll be covered on anything lost to rival PFs. Personnel, hardware, GMP.””
Whatever it is, it seems that, as of right now, the Metal Gear Solid 5 ruse cruise continues. Long may it continue.