Microsoft Flight Simulator Predicted To Produce $2.6 Billion In PC Hardware Sales By Analytics Company

The game's hefty requirements could drive a lot of revenue.

After years of dormancy, Microsoft returned to the skies with one of their most popular simulators, Microsoft Flight Simulator. The game launched to some very positive reviews, including our own, and from technical standpoint is something else. The title’s graphics have been something quite noteworthy, with many going as far as to say it’s the new benchmark game for PC. And some even think it will be a driving force for PC hardware.

Jon Peddie Research, an analytics company specializing in hardware revenue in the games industry, released their prediction that the game would be a driver for PC hardware for next few years. They think that those upgrading for the game could drive $2.6 billion dollars within the next three years. That’s including things like VR sales, flight sticks, processor upgrades, display upgrades, and much more that you can read in detail through here.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is available now on PC. A Xbox One version was also announced alongside the original reveal but, as of now, nothing else has been said about a console release.

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