Microsoft Flight Simulator Shows Off Beautiful Clouds, Water, and Scenery in New Screens

Your weekly dose of stunning Microsoft Flight Simulator images.

Microsoft and Asobo Studio are undoubtedly going to deliver one of the best looking games of the year when they release Microsoft Flight SimulatorThe game has looked absolutely stunning in every little bit we’ve seen of it so far, and it continues to do so in its newest round of screenshots.

The images, captured by players who’ve got their hands on the game’s ongoing alpha (via DSO Gaming), continue to show the upcoming sim’s visual prowess, showing off impressive volumetric clouds, beautiful water bodies, and breathtaking shots of some in-game scenery. Take a look at all of it below.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is out some time this year for the Xbox One and PC, but doesn’t currently have a release date. Its PC system requirements have been revealed though, and they’re about as hefty as you’d expect for a game touting this sort of visual fidelity- check them out through here. You can also take look at another batch of beautiful screenshots through here.

Asobo StudioMicrosoftmicrosoft flight simulatorpcXbox One