Microsoft Flight Simulator Will Feature Every Airport On Earth

That is a lot of airports.

No one likes the airport. Even if you’re some of the lucky few who have access to premium lounges, the wait times are always tedious and you quickly find yourself wondering what the hell you’re going to do for those often long layovers. Well, thankfully, with Microsoft Flight Simulator you won’t have to wait at any of them, though they are going to be there, all of them.

In a new video, which you can see below, Lead Game Designer Sven Mestas says the game will feature every airport on Earth. That includes 37,000 manually edited airports and 80 of the most visited airports on the planet that will be carefully remade. The team used the database from Microsoft Flight Simulator X and then edited in others based on real-life satellite imagery. The game has already shown off some pretty incredible landscapes, so they’re sure to look good.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is slated to launch this year for Xbox One and PC.

Asobo StudioMicrosoftmicrosoft flight simulatorpcXbox One