Microsoft Flight Simulator’s New Screenshots Look Incredible

The upcoming flight sim continues to impress with its visuals.

Every time we look at Microsoft Flight Simulator, we’re baffled by how unbelievably good it looks- it comes damn close to photorealism, closer than most games ever have, and regardless of how good it turns out to be from a mechanics point of view, there’s no doubt that this is going to be one of the best looking games ever made.

The game is currently in alpha, and obviously still a ways away from releasing, but those playing it in alpha have been taking screenshots of it to share its visual splendour. The newest batch of screenshots that we’ve got our hands on (via DSO Gaming) continues to show just how excellent the game looks, and displays a ridiculous amount of detail. Check it out below.

Just last week, we saw another batch of screens from the game that was equally as impressive. Check it out through here.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is due out for PC and Xbox One some time this year. Though it currently doesn’t have a fixed release date, Microsoft did recently share its PC system requirements- they’re quite demanding, predictably enough. Check them out through here.

Asobo StudioMicrosoftmicrosoft flight simulatorpcXbox One