Minecraft Legends Guide – How To Quickly Destroy A Base

A complete guide on how to quickly destroy a base in Minecraft Legends.
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Minecraft Legends is an RTS-lite that tasks you with defending the Overworld from an invasion of Piglins. These Piglins are assembled into three horde types–-Hunt (red), Bastion (yellow), and Spore (green), and centered in three base sizes–small, medium, and large. Leveraging this information will help you quickly destroy Piglin bases and turn the tide of the incursion.

The Basics

As mentioned, Piglin bases come in three sizes: small, medium, and large. Small bases should be destroyed as early as possible. The map is a constantly evolving world, and a small base can and will be upgraded into a medium base as time passes; this evolution is indicated by a sparkling effect over the base. Moreover, large bases may pursue expansion with small satellite bases over the course of the campaign, and these will have to be quashed quickly as well, before they establish a firm foothold.

The Objective

Destroying the centrally-located Piglin Portal should be your singular goal when attacking bases, since this will lead to the implosion of all associated enemy structures along with it, allowing you to simply ride around gathering the Prismarine remnants left behind. This is easily accomplished with small bases, but not so much with medium and large bases, which will introduce impediments in the form of Fortresses and Lava Coils that will render the Portal impervious to harm (indicated by a red lava glow). These will have to be destroyed first, along with Piglin Patcher structures which can repair the damage inflicted on bases.

The Strategy

Begin by targeting the spawners aside from the Portal itself: the Piglin Pits and the Piglin Launchers. Destroying these will significantly reduce the number of Piglins fielded in battle. If you’ve unlocked the Firsts, deploy them as damage soaks that will distract the defenders away from your core army which will need to focus on the Portal.

Thinning enemies out has another benefit: it will prevent the congestion of the labyrinthine layouts of most advanced bases, which would otherwise spell outright doom for your larger or more expensive mobs. Free passage through the base will allow your troops to get to the center of things as soon as possible.

Once major opposition has been eliminated, deploy Creepers to self-detonate near any other critical enemy structures, if not the Portal itself.

Make use of an appropriate mount for each Horde type. The Spore Horde have their bases built high above ground, and are best tackled astride the Brilliant Beetle mount, which while ponderously slow, can also scale sheer vertical obstacles like walls and towers. The Hunt Horde is fast and agile, and requires the Horse or the Regal Tiger in order to keep up with them.

If possible, deploy a Redstone Launcher within range of the Portal. It takes approximately 10 shots to reduce it to rubble, and with a little protection from one or more of the Firsts, the Launcher should operate more or less autonomously while you’re preoccupied with your army proper.

Should the base assault get bogged-down, it might help to construct a Wellhouse nearer to the target base, for your Firsts to respawn at when they are eliminated, as well as various other mob spawners of your preference. This will get you back in the fight faster, and afford the Piglins less breathing room to recover between waves.

Once you’ve gotten the hang of things, annihilating bases will be a walk in the park. Turn back those Piglin tides!

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